

Your dedication makes workplace campaigns successful.


United Way of North Central New Mexico (UWNCNM) thanks you for your dedication and willingness to create a giving campaign at your workplace. It is our goal to make this undertaking easy and fun for you, which is why we have listed all the resources below. On this page you will find all the tools you need to ensure your campaign’s success. Take your time going through all the resources, but as a first step, we suggest taking a look at our UWNCNM Campaign Fundamentals. It is a guide, a sort of introduction to launching a successful giving campaign and contains everything you need to know including:

  • An introduction to UWNCNM and our initiatives
  • Glossary of terms
  • A timeline of your campaign
  • How to conduct meetings and communicate with your team
  • Introduction to the UWNCNM Corporate Relations team

Thank you for sharing your talent and leadership through a United Way campaign.

2024 Annual REPORT

UWNCNM Impact Report Card

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Short Version

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2023 Annual report


Use the following prepared graphics or PDFs to create your internal work campaign email. Simply insert the image or hyperlink the PDF in your email and send it!

Click image to save and distribute or use the available pdf version

Click image to save and distribute or use the available pdf version

Learn more about our Community Investment Grants

Click image to save and distribute or use the available pdf version

Learn more about our Family Stability Initiatives

Click image to save and distribute or use the available pdf version

Learn more about our Education Initiatives

Click image to save and distribute or use the available pdf version

Learn more about our Donor Groups

Click image to save and distribute or use the available pdf version


UWNCNM Direct Services, Donor Groups, and Program Flyers

UWNCNM Partnership Opportunities

Since the program’s inception in 1998, Corporate Cornerstone Partners have generously donated the funds required to support the work of UWNCNM, which has allowed for the development of strategic and innovative community initiatives, including the
Family Advocacy Center2-1-1-Information and Referral Service, and Tax Help NM

365 Commitment Pledge — We invite your business to participate in developing positive change in our local community by joining the LIVE UNITED 365 Small Business Circle. For a dollar a day, or $365 a year, your business will help pave a
path for our community to grow stronger and thrive.

2024 Sponsorship Opportunities

Pledge form & Company Rollover campaign

Refer to page 13 of the 2024 Campaign Fundamentals manual for details on pledge form processes. 

Click image for pdf version
Rollover Campaign

Create a Campaign that automatically rolls over into the next year.

Steps include:

  • Complete and submit the confirmation form.
  • Define your campaign timeline. 
  • Determine a point person for employees to contact regarding changes.
  • Reach out to new employees that have joined since the end of your last campaign.
  • Submit pledge forms to your United Way contact for any new employees or changes to existing donor gifts at the end of your campaign.

For questions about online pledge form options or other workplace campaign questions, email the UWNCNM Investor Relations Team.


Visit our Media Press Kit for our logos, brand color guide, past event coverage and our social media channels and toolkits.

VIDEOS: UWNCNM's Community Impact


When volunteering with UWNCNM, you will have to sign an image release. Please print and provide to staff before participating in Week of Caring or any UWNCNM volunteer opportunity.


Sign up for our emails and stay informed about how we work with partners and supporters like you to strengthen our community.