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Everyone can be an advocate when we come together to improve lives.


Government policies have the potential to change lives for better or worse. Today, we are joining others affecting the legislative process and communicating with representatives to improve lives.

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Creating College and Career Exploration Opportunities


United Way of North Central New Mexico (UWNCNM) promotes programs that provide practical, long-term solutions for people and communities. Through a nonpartisan, non-ideological approach to advocacy, we leverage our convening power to bring together untraditional allies – businesses, labor, nonprofits, government and advocates – to fight for the health, education and financial stability of every person in every community. 


New Mexico’s high school graduation rate, while rising in recent years, continues to lag behind the national average. In 2021, NM’s rate was 76.8% compared to the national rate of 88.6%. 

By connecting learning to the real world, college and career readiness activities have a positive impact on student engagement. When a student identifies a career path, it makes school more relevant and they are more likely to graduate. More students graduating in turn produces a more viable workforce and more economically resilient community.


UWNCNM created the Valencia County Partnership for a Work Ready Community in response to employers’ concerns about workforce readiness. United Way facilitates this group of employers, educators (public schools, UNM Valencia), Workforce Solutions, Workforce Connections, NM Economic Development and community members to provide opportunities for students to learn about careers.   

  • An annual career video contest challenges students to learn about potential careers and create a short video. The number of students participating increased from 30 (2020) to 135 (2022).  
  • Mock interviews, resume writing sessions, employer presentations and other school-based events directly connect employers to students. In the 2021-22 school year, 17  events with 90 employers impacted 1,975 students. 

UWNCNM’s Choose Your Own Future, a virtual, self-paced college/career readiness program for all ages, is offered to any student, parent or educator at no cost. In 2022, 54 students from 24 schools participated in at least one program activity. 

UWNCNM annually hosts the Valencia County Summer Teacher Academy to increase student success after high school, enhance the local workforce and improve economic development. 

  • The partnership works with employers who use such skills as math, science, technology and technical writing, along with soft skills such as communication and teamwork, in their organizations. 
  • These employers offer a workshop for teachers to show how those skills are used in their organizations and includes hands-on demonstration of concept activities that teachers can take back to the classroom. 


UWNCNM supports appropriations and legislation to support students for:  

  • work-based learning opportunities/career technical education (CTE)  
  • student internships  
  • financial literacy  

In the future, UWNCNM will explore opportunities to offer these educational programs to more students in the counties we serve in north central New Mexico.

Advocates for change are some of the most crucial members of the UWNCNM volunteer team. Our Public Policy Committee steps out boldly to communicate with our local, state, and federal lawmakers to learn from them and hold them accountable. Join us as we take action, get connected, and raise our voices to create change for the community.

for more information, contact:

Rodney Prunty

President & CEO, United Way of North Central New Mexico

Rodney.Prunty@uwncnm.org  |  505-247-3671 


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