
Mission: Families is set to roll out the next set of trauma-Informed trainings over the next few weeks.  

These sessions provided by Dr. Craig Pierce of Southwest Family Guidance Center and Institute help providers develop a shared understanding and common vocabulary around trauma, adverse childhood experiences, and resilience.  

It’s important to meet children and families where they are, explains Sondra Slivon, Mission: Families executive director. During this pandemic, everyone is experiencing trauma and it becomes critically important that we are aware of how we are responding to trauma and how others are responding. Living through the effects of COVID-19 is new to everyone.  

The first session will be available to early childcare providers and Out-of-School time leadership. This two-hour session will be held on Sept. 10 from 9 to 11 a.m. online.   

A follow-up two-hours session is scheduled for Oct. 19 and will be held as part of the Out-of-School Time conference. It is free for conference participants and direct care providers. Registration for this session will be available soon!  

Dr. Pierce generously donated his time to provide these sessions on behalf of Mission: Families and the Ready Children Strategy Group.

Contact Sondra Slivon at sondra.slivon@uwcnm.org if you have questions or would like additional details. 



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