

Rising Together readiness program has goals of increasing high school graduation rates and transitions to post-secondary education are met through supporting schools, communities, and partners in developing opportunities for youth to discover their interests and engage in College and Career Readiness as defined by the Graduate Profile (Spanish here). 

North Central NM Career Connected Coalition


Nurture the Quality and Quantity of the work-based learning and career pathways of North Central NM.


All students in North Central NM engage in at least one relevant work-based learning experience before graduating.

Upcoming Events in our Network

2024 Summer Youth Events and Programs

Explore events, programs, camps, and classes for youth in Albuquerque all Summer long! The City offers low-cost and free ways for our youth to learn and have fun.

One ABQ Youth Connect brings together all City youth opportunities of various types offered by various departments.

To learn more about events happening all summer long, visit the City of Albuquerque’s Summer Youth webpage

Partner Resources

An award-winning workforce development program – Home – Job Training Albuquerque. It’s a FREE resource for small businesses in the City of Albuquerque. To determine if your business qualifies, the requirements are listed here.

Once a small business is approved, they can take trainings in various fields for free. Employees at small businesses can receive training to upskill in their current field or learn a new skill. Once approved, each small business can take up to 15K worth of training per fiscal year (or until program funds are exhausted –look through the list – this can include Deep Dive Coding, CDL Fast Track, HR Bundle, Accounting Bundle, Professional Development Academy, Leadership Academy, and so much more).

Here is a recent article about some of the program milestones achieved.

The Supercharging the Ed Ecosystem work includes

A focus on Career and College Readiness activities such as the Choose Your Own Future Challenge, and the Student Career Video Challenge.(Click here for links to Valencia County Student videos) 

Click to view all our partners

College and Career Blogs

For questions, please contact Rising Together Program Manager Argelia Flores.